How many of you knew it was Earth Day today??
Okay, how many of you knew it was Earth Day before you saw someone mention it on facebook or came across it in the last few hours?
If you're like me, you heard about it by accident and never really pay attention to this day.
I have to admit, that even though GREEN is my favorite color, I'm not as "green" as I should be in my day to day life. I could and should do so much better with recycling, and I'm not near as grateful as I should be for the simple things that affect me everyday.
The cashier at the grocery store yesterday said, "happy earth day tomorrow".
And thanks to that sweet lady,
I'm killing it with being an awesome Earth Day celebrator today.
London and I have taken water bottles to recycling bin and talked about how important it is and what happens to the water bottles once they are recycled. (we recycle often, we just don't take the time to talk about the importance of it.)
We went on a scavenger hunt and London found a bag of "goods" from the trail we walked along, and I even let her pick up a snail and put it in her bag. That may not sound like a milestone to you.. but snails make me crawl. The crunch they make when you accidentally run over them with your stroller or step on them make me want to itch until my skin peels off. (gonna have to get a grip if i wanna have any boys in my family, right?!)
But I let her snag one today, in honor of Earth Day. We let the snail go once we got home, don't worry. So he might just be your next CRUNCH, heads up!
And I hate to keep bragging, but it's my duty to prove to you why we are destroying Earth Day (wait, that didn't sound good.. you smell what I'm stepping in though, right?!)
We also went through all of our clothes and made 2 huge bags of clothes we are going to donate, "recycle". :)
Killed it.
I found this on Pinterest last night.
Our scavenger hunt idea came from here.
Happy Earth Day!
On a serious note,
We seriously are so beyond blessed.
I for one need to do a better job with "my part" in taking care of this gorgeous planet.
And on a more shallow, yet fantastic note,
New wire headbands styles are now in the shop.
You are killing me with all the cute patterns! I wore mine yesterday and now I need 4 more! :)